Web 365
Web 365 provides our clients who need to hire mechanics and technicians quickly with a highly effective candidate search system. In addition to mechanics, top companies in the U.S. use Web 365 to find qualified candidates for ALL of their open positions.
What can you do to increase your chances of finding qualified mechanics?
You need a cost-effective and proven system to help them find you. Regardless of the type of tech you need or your industry, using Web 365 is your best chance to find and hire the experienced techs you need. Our Web 365 cost is $165.00 and provides our clients with an all-inclusive candidate search system that helps ensure they can reach their hiring goals.
While some companies already post their job ads on one or two job boards, most still do not find the experienced technicians they need due to the continuing tech hiring crisis. And few people understand that today, 60% or more of potential candidates no longer search any job boards to find their next job.
Posting your open positions is just one-quarter of the process you must use to find techs today. While posting jobs is still necessary and helpful, knowing the additional steps needed determines how effective your search will be.
Many of our clients have a recruiting department or, in smaller companies, someone within their company qualified to review resumes. They both utilize Web 365 to help keep their pipeline full of qualified candidates at an affordable price. We handle posting, updating, refreshing, promotion, resume routing, etc., at a lower cost than most job boards charge for one job post.
What does the WEB 365 System do that you cannot do yourself? The rule of thumb with job boards is the more you spend with them, the better Job Placement and Visibility your job posts receive.
Most companies post less than ten jobs a year. We purchase thousands of job slots a year. Additionally, significant boards like Indeed and other job boards post their jobs on our job boards. That ensures your Web 365 posts receive the best ad placement and overall visibility.
How did we design our WEB 365 system?
Over the past seven years, we have compiled the country's most extensive mechanic database. We spent years interviewing thousands of applicants searching for work. We asked a few simple questions and quickly identified what social media sites techs use to view current job openings and the key search terms they typically entered. Over the years, we have learned precisely where and how they search and, more importantly, where not to spend money advertising tech positions.
We then created multiple job boards and websites and partnered with other vital websites to develop our WEB 365 search system. Using WEB 365 ensures your Job Posts can be viewed by an estimated 80% or more of candidates actively seeking a new job. In addition, our system uses our proprietary candidate database to place your open position in front of thousands of additional candidates presently employed. While they are not actively searching daily on job boards, many have shared that they like to keep up with other opportunities and are open to exploring a new position - if the Right One comes along.
Using WEB 365 will allow you to decide if your posts are shared in your local area only or with candidates regionally or across the country who are willing or looking to relocate to your city. The added benefits of word of mouth about your open positions are also vital. Many of your best applicants will hear about the job from a friend or co-worker and apply..
Our fee for our WEB 365 program is $165.00 per 30-day post. Whether you need one or fifty people, using the Web 365 network is your best chance to find the highly experienced or entry-level candidates you need.
To get started – You can purchase a WEB 365 here at Technician and Mechanic Jobs or, if you are interested in learning more about our innovative system, contact johnsessums123@gmail.com for more info.
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